Thank you for your prayers for our recent trip to Port au Prince, Haiti. God certainly blessed this joint effort between Piney Grove Baptist Church in Samson, Alabama, and St. Andrew Baptist Church in Panama City, Florida. Our team worked alongside of SCORE International Missions, a worldwide mission organization with a presence in Haiti.

I want to encourage you to read the team member testimonies that will be posted to the blog over the coming days, and you can still access our field updates from the "Blog Archive" link on the right hand side of the page. Thank you again for your prayers!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hope In Christ: Testimony from LeAnna Miller

I saw God work in my life in a mighty way while I was serving on the mission field in Haiti. I went with the expectation of lending a helping hand to a nation who had suffered devastation from an earthquake. I was hoping that by helping them rebuild, I would show them the love of God and they would be grateful. Upon arriving in Haiti, I saw the desperate needs of the people immediately. I saw the conditions that many of the people are living in and began to question how I was going to help them. It took me about three days to realize that “I” wasn’t going to be able to help them at all! My purpose was to stop trying to figure out God’s plan and to simply live out Acts 1:8 by telling others at the “ends of the earth” about Jesus’ love. It was important not only to tell them about the hope they have in Jesus, but to show them.

I realized after being there for seven days that the only way for hope in Haiti is faith in Jesus. I’ve heard this preached from the pulpit. I’ve read the scriptures that make reference to it. But it was made real to me through the eyes of children, the sweat and dirt of Haitian workers, and the sad underlying tune of their praise and worship songs. I knew right then and there, Thursday night while listening to the children sing, that Jesus Christ is the only hope for this nation. I know that prayer is powerful! I “pinky promised” two of the girls that I would NEVER forget them, and I know that my prayers and the prayers of others CAN help lead them to the hope found in Jesus Christ. This was far from the construction helper that I thought I would be. I now realize that is just rubble and concrete.

Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”